Sometimes it seems like the Data Engineering landscape is starting to shoot off into infinity. With the rise of Rust, new tools like DuckDB, Polars, and whatever else, things do seem to shifting at a fundamental level. It seems like there is someone at the base of a titering rock with a crowbar, picking and […]

I’ve been a dog licking my wounds for some time now. Over on my Substack newsletter, I’ve been doing a small series on DSA (Data Structures and Algorithms). I tackled some of the easier stuff first, like Linked Lists, Binary Search, and the like. What’s more, I actually did most of it in Rust, since […]

Sometimes I think Data Engineering is the same as it was 10+ years ago when I started doing it, and sometimes I think everything has changed. It’s probably both. In some ways, the underlying concepts have not moved an inch, some certain truths and axioms still rule over us all like some distant landlord, requiring […]

One of my greatest pleasures in life is watching the r/dataengineering Reddit board, I find it very entertaining and enlightening on many levels. It gives a fairly unique view into the wide range of Data Engineering companies, jobs, projects people are working on, tech stacks, and problems that are being faced. One thing I’ve come […]

Polars is one of those tools that you just want … no … NEED a reason to use it. It’s gotten so bad, I’ve started to use it in my Rust code on the side, Polars that is. I mean you have a problem if you could use Polars Python, and you find yourself using […]

Anyone who’s been working in Data Land for any time at all, knows that the reality of life very rarely matches the glut of shiny snake oil we get sold on a daily basis. That’s just part of life. Every new tool, every single thingy-ma-bob we think is going to solve all our problems and […]

I was wondering the other day … since Polars now has a SQL context and is getting more popular by the day, do I need DuckDB anymore? These two tools are hot. Very hot. I haven’t seen this since Databricks and Snowflake first came out and started throwing mud at each other. You might think […]

  PySpark. One of those things to hate and love, well … kinda hard not to love. PySpark is the abstraction that lets a bazillion Data Engineers forget about that blight Scala and cuddle their wonderfully soft and ever-kind Python code, while choking down gobs of data like some Harkonnen glutton. But, that comes with […]