Time to open a can of worms. I’ve recently been working with DataBricks, specifically DeltaLake (which I wrote about here). DeltaLake is an amazing tool that when paired with Apache Spark, is like the juggernaut of Big Data. The old is new, the new is old. The rise of DataBricks and DeltaLake is proof of […]

Dagster, the first few times I read the name, I just couldn’t take the tech stack seriously …. it’s still kinda hard. Today I want to compare Airflow vs Dagster, mostly explore what Dagster is and does. But I want to compare it to the popular Apache Airflow project so people have some context for […]

I always envied Ben Gunn in Treasure Island a little bit. Alone all those years, digging up gold and treasure, hunting wild goat, and living in a nice little cave. Living off the land, king of his island, gone half mad, but somewhat still there. Happy to see other people, but always a little bit […]

Not going to lie. I’ve been trying to figure out for awhile where Apache Flink fits in the Data Engineering world for awhile now. A year or two ago I didn’t seem much content posted about it, but it seems to be picking up stream. I’ve mostly managed to avoid understanding what Flink is or […]

LIfe’s no fun if you don’t keep things interesting. It’s time to ruffle a few feathers.

Every good story starts with a few different characters right? It’s like the spice of life, little bit of this, little bit of that. It’s the way of the world. In all my data wandering I’ve come across lot’s of different types of data engineers. I can usually put them into three different categories, somewhat […]

I am always amused by the apparent contradictory nature of working in the world of data. There is always bits and pieces that come and go, the popular, the out of style … new technology driving new approaches and practices. One of the hot topics the last decade has produced is DevOps, a now staple […]

There are few things in life that are worse then cracking open some serious PySpark pipeline code, and then realizing there isn’t a single function written to encapsulate logic … wondering if some change you are about to make will bring down the whole pipeline. When you are new to a codebase you don’t know […]

It seems like today the problems and challenges of Data Engineering are being solved at a lightning pace. New technologies are coming out all the time that seem to make life a little easier (or harder) while solving age old problems. I feel like Machine Learning Ops (MLOps) is not one of those things. It’s […]

If you’re anything like me when someone says Delta Lake you think DataBricks. But, the mythical Delta Lake is an open source project, available to anyone running Apache Spark. It seems also too good to be true, ACID transactions on the Spark scale? Incredible. This is the future, it has to be. The lines of […]