Every once in awhile I see someone talking about their wonder distributed cluster of Dask machines, and my curiosity gets aroused. I know plenty of people use Dask, mostly on their local machines, but it seems like the meteoric rise of Spark, especially with tools like EMR and Databricks, that Dask is slowly slipping into […]

There are a few things in life I both love and hate. Let’s see …. hot weather, cold weather, working for a living, and …. LeetCode. I mean it is totally fun to push yourself and try to solve hard problems, but then the other side of me is like … well I’ve been writing […]

I saw a recent post on r/datengineering, a question centered around why Databricks is so popular when tools like EMR have been floating around for so long. It got me thinking about it. It really isn’t all about the technical side and offerings, although that does play a large role. There are always proponents for […]

Sometimes I amaze myself. I’ve been using PySpark for a few years now, happily crunching hundreds of TBs of data without much problem. Sure you randomly run into OOM errors and other such nonsense. Usually inspecting the code for something silly, throwing in a persist() or cache() here and there will solve 99% of the […]

There are many a day when I find myself scrolling through the subreddit for r/dataengineerg, it’s a fun place to stalk. Lot’s of people with lots of opinions make for interesting times. I see one question or a variation of it come up over and over again. How do I learn data engineering skills, how […]

What is the standard for most data engineers these days? Turns out SQL and Python are still running the show pretty much across the board. There’s always a variety of skills in those areas, some better, some worse, although with a little work and repetition it’s pretty easy to master both SQL and Python. I’ve […]

Good ole’ string slicing. That’s one thing that never changes in Data Engineering, working with strings. You would think we would all get to row up some day and do the complicated stuff, but apparently you can’t outrun your past. I blame this mostly on the data and old schools companies. Plain text and flat […]

Data Lake, Data Warehouse, Lake House, Data Mart, it’s always something isn’t it? Don’t get me started on Data Mesh. Yikes, it’s hard to keep up these days. I want to explore the Data Lake vs the Data Warehouse and what it really all boils down to, what is the real difference. Is it data […]

As someone who worked around the classic Data Warehouses back in the day, before s3 took over and SQL Server and Oracle ruled the day … I love sitting on the sidelines watching new … yet old battle-lines being re-drawn. I could probably scroll back in StackOverflow 12 years and find the same arguments and […]

One of the reoccurring complaints you always see being parroted by the smarter-then-anyone-else-on-the-internet Reddit lurkers is the slowness of Python. I mean I understand the complaint …. but I don’t understand the complaint. Python is what is is, and usually is the best at what it is, hence its ubiquitous nature. I’ve been dabbling with […]