It still seems like the wild west of Data Quality these days. Tools like Apache Deque are just too much for most folks, and Data Quality is still new enough to the scene as a serious thought topic that most tools haven’t matured that much, and companies dropping money on some tool is still a […]

My newsfeed these days is chock-full of “how to break into Data Engineering” these days. It’s made me a bit nostalgic, to say the least. I’ve been dreaming about those days gone by when I started out in the data world. I would say my experience was not so much “breaking in”, but more of […]

Probably one of the hardest hurdles to jump over when starting out in anything new, including Data Engineering and Data Pipelines, is knowing where to start. It always can be a little daunting. One aspect that can make or break any project, giving you the confidence to move forward like Sparticus to conquer, is having […]

Not going to lie, I do enjoy the vendor wars that this marketing craze called “The Modern Data Stack” has created. I like to keep just about everything in life at arm’s length. Kinda like the way you look at your crazy third cousin out of the corner of your eye at the family reunion. […]

As the years drag by in Data Engineering, there are a few things that I have come to appreciate more and more. One of those topics that is close to number one on the list is complexity reduction. Today’s modern data stacks are filled to the brim with technologies and tools, full to the brim, […]

I’ve been getting a lot of questions lately about data pipelines, how to design them, what to think about, and what patterns to follow. I get it, if you’re new to Data Engineering it can be hard to know what you don’t know. There is a lot of content specific to certain technologies, but not […]

I periodically try to pick up a new programming language on my journey through Data Engineering life. There are many reasons to do that, personal growth, boredom, seeing what others like, and helping me think differently about my code. Golang has been on my list for at least a year. I don’t hear much about […]

Mmmm … Data Quality … it is a thing these days. I look forlornly back to the ancient days of SQL Server when nobody cared about such things. Alas, we live in a different world, where hundreds of terabytes of data are the norm, and Data Quality becomes a thing. I’ve been meaning to give […]

It’s not often I yearn for the good old days of SQL Server, but I’ve had a few of those moments lately. Some things I miss, some I don’t, and it’s probably because I’m getting old and crusty, stuck in my ways, by permissioning is one of those topics where I think about the good […]

For any Data Engineer working on aws for any length of time, there is one task that always seems to come up and never go away. Manipulating files on s3 a bucket on aws is something I’ve had to do for years, it just never goes away. It’s always something … listing files, moving files, […]