Real talk. Polars is all the rage. People love Spark. People use Spark for small data, but data is too big for Pandas. Spark runs on a local machine. Polars runs on a local machine. What do I choose, Spark or Polars? Does it matter? I’ve written about Polars at different points, here, and here […]

Are lambdas one of those tools that everyone uses and no one talks about? I guess I’ve taken them for granted over the years, even though they are incredibly useful. For a lot of my Data Engineering career I didn’t really think about or use AWS lambdas, I just saw them as little annoying flies […]

Save money, save money!! Hear Hear! Someone on Linkedin recently brought up the point that companies could save gobs of money by swapping out AWS Python lambdas for Rust ones. While it raised the ire of many a Python Data Engineer, I thought it sounded like a great idea. At least it’s an excuse to […]

Hmm … data types. We all know they are important, but we don’t take them very seriously. I mean we know the difference between boolean, string, and integers, those are easy to get right. But we all get sloppy, sometimes we got the string and varchar route because we don’t spend enough time on the […]