Is there anything more Chad than Apache Airflow … and Rust? I think not you whimp. What two things do I love most? At the moment Rust and Airflow are at least somewhere at the top of that list. I wring my hands sometimes, wishing that things and technologies somehow come together into some bubbling soup and witches concoction from the depths. Then I had a strange thought while laying in bed one night.

What would happen if I ran my Rust inside my Apache Airflow? What would happen? Would the sun go dark? Would SQL Servers everywhere puke up their log files and go to Davey Jones’s locker? Birds fall from the sky? Why hasn’t anyone done this before, why isn’t anyone making this happen in real life?

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I always leave it to my dear readers and followers to give me pokes in the right direction. Nothing like the teaming masses to set you straight. Recently I was working on my Substack Newsletter, on the topic of Polars + Delta Lake, reading remove files from s3 … I left a question open on my LinkedIn account.

I had someone jog my leaky memory in favor of DuckDB. I haven’t touched DuckDB in some time, and I’m sure it’s under heavy development what with that Mother Duck and all.

So, it’s time to talk about DuckDB + Delta Lake.

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In the vast world of data, it’s not just about gathering and analyzing information anymore; it’s also about ensuring that data pipelines, processes, and platforms run seamlessly and efficiently. Nothing screams “why are flying by night,” than coming into a Data Team only to find no tests, no docs, no deployments, no Docker, no nothing. Just a mess and tangle of code and outdated processes, with no real way to understand how to get code from dev to production … without taking down the system.

This is where the principles of DevOps and Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) come into play, especially in the realm of data engineering. Let’s dive into the importance of these practices and how they’ve become indispensable in modern data engineering workflows.

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Do you think I’m just trying to get you to click? Maybe. Maybe not. After working in and around Data Teams for well over a decade, with both the smartest people to touch the keyboard, and the others, it’s become quite clear to me what the number one skill that identifies a Senior level Engineering from the peons rummaging around in the StackOverflow garbage can for snippets, is.

I’m sure there will be hand-wringing, curses, tears, and generally weeping and moaning in the land, like some medieval plague that has swept away everything we hold dear. So just calm yourselves, sit down, and get your angry little fingers off that keyboard. Hear me out.

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Nothing gives me greater joy than rocking the boat. I take pleasure in finding what people love most in tech and trying to poke holes in it. Everything is sacred. Nothing is sacred. I also enjoy doing simple things, things that have a “real-life” feel to them. I suppose I could be like the others and simply write boring tutorials on how to do the same old thing for the millionth time.

Ugh. No thanks.

Today I want to do something spectacularly normal. Something Data Engineers do. I’m simply going to write an AWS Lambda to process some data, one with Polars, and one with Pandas. What do I hope to accomplish?

Well, I can usually make a few people mad. AWS Architectures and fan clubs, Polars people, Pandas people, and the general public at large. Bring it.

All code on GitHub.

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Polars is one of those tools that you just want … no … NEED a reason to use it. It’s gotten so bad, I’ve started to use it in my Rust code on the side, Polars that is. I mean you have a problem if you could use Polars Python, and you find yourself using Polars Rust. Glutton for punishment I guess.

I also recently took personal offense when someone at a birthday party told me that everyone uses Pandas, and no one uses Polars in the real world. Dang. That hurt.

The reality is that I know it takes a long while for even the best technologies to be adopted. Things don’t just change overnight. But there are two hidden gems of Polars that will hasten the day when Polars replaced Pandas for good. Let’s talk about them.

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I was wondering the other day … since Polars now has a SQL context and is getting more popular by the day, do I need DuckDB anymore? These two tools are hot. Very hot. I haven’t seen this since Databricks and Snowflake first came out and started throwing mud at each other.

You might think it doesn’t matter. Two of one, half-dozen of another, whatever. But I think about these things. Simplicity is underrated these days. If you have two tools but could do it with one, should you use two? Probably depends on the Engineering culture you’re working in.

I mean just because you can doesn’t mean you should. Some data engineering repo with 50 different Python pip packages installed, constantly breaking and upgrading for no reason. CI/CD build failing, conflicts. Frustration. Why? Just because someone wants to do this one thing and decided they needed yet another package to do it.

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PySpark. One of those things to hate and love, well … kinda hard not to love. PySpark is the abstraction that lets a bazillion Data Engineers forget about that blight Scala and cuddle their wonderfully soft and ever-kind Python code, while choking down gobs of data like some Harkonnen glutton.

But, that comes with a price. The price of our own laziness and that idea that all that glitters is gold, to take the easy path. One of the main problems is the dreadful mistake of mixing native Python in with your PySpark and expecting things to go fine at scale. Which it most assuredly will not.

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Save money, save money!! Hear Hear! Someone on Linkedin recently brought up the point that companies could save gobs of money by swapping out AWS Python lambdas for Rust ones. While it raised the ire of many a Python Data Engineer, I thought it sounded like a great idea. At least it’s an excuse to play with Rust, and I will take all those I can get. It does seem like an easy and obvious step to take in this age of cost-cutting that has come down on us all like that thick blanket of fog on a cool spring morning.

I can personally attest to the fact that I’ve written a number of Python AWS lambdas that are doing a non-trivial amount of data processing, currently running in Production and being triggered many times a day. Today, I’m going to reproduce both a Python and Rust lambda running on my personal AWS account doing pretty much the same exact work. Let’s see what the difference actually is in performance and see if it’s possible to find some cost savings.

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Photo by Stone Wang on Unsplash

I remember those days, oh so long ago, it seems like another lifetime. I haven’t used Pandas in many a year, decades, or whatever. We’ve all been there, done that. Pandas I mean. I would dare say it’s a rite of passage for most data folk. For those using Python, it’s probably one of the first packages you use other than say … requests?

You know, Pandas feels like Airflow, everyone keeps talking about its demise, but there it is everywhere … used by everyone. Sure it’s old, wrinkled, annoying, slow, and obtuse, but it’s ours, and that makes it the words of Gollum … precious.

We should probably get to the point already. Everyone is talking about Polars. Polars is supposed to replace Pandas. Will it? Maybe 10 years from now. You can’t untangle Pandas from everywhere it exists overnight. Do you still want to replace Pandas with Polars and be one of the cool kids? Ok. Let’s take a look at a practical guide to replacing Pandas with Polars, comparing functionally used by most people. My code is available on GitHub.

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