There are probably few things in life that will strike more fear and tumult in the heart of the Data Engineer than historical loads. You know, on the surface it seems like such an innocent thing. How could it possibly be, just take a bunch of data stored somewhere and shove it into a table. If only. Life never works that way, and neither does the historical load. You would think after decades we all would have figured it out you know. Is it because we don’t do it enough? Maybe it’s like regex, you just figure it out as you go every single time, telling yourself you’ll do it right next time.

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Photo by krakenimages on Unsplash

The intersection of Big Data and Not Big Data.

An interesting topic of late that has been rattling around in my overcrowded head is the idea of Big Data vs Not Big Data, and the intersection thereof. I’ve been thinking about SAAS vendors, the Modern Data Stack, costs, and innovation. A great real-life example of all these topics is Delta Lake. Delta Lake is the child of Databricks, officially or not, and at a minimum has exploded in usage because of the increasing usage of Databricks and the popularity of Data Lakes.

Delta Lake, Hudi, Iceberg, all these ACID/CRUD abstractions on top of storage for Big Data have been game changers. But, as with any new popular tech, it comes with its own set of challenges. Specifically for Delta Lake … if you want to use it 99.9% of people are going to have to use Spark to do so, which can be costly, in terms of running clusters, and add complexity, in terms of new tooling, data pipelines, and the like. Anytime you only have one path to take with a tool, innovation is stifled, and barriers arise. Enter delta-rs the Standalone Rust API for Delta.

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Photo by Aziz Acharki on Unsplash

Do this, not that. Well, I’ve got my own list. With everyone jumping on the PySpark / Databricks / EMR / Glue / Whatever bandwagon I thought it was long overdue for a post on what to do, and not to do when working with Spark / PySpark. I take the pragmatic approach to working with Spark, it’s honestly very forgiving well and far into the 10s of TBs of data. Once you wander past that point things tend to get a little spicy if you don’t have it all dialed in. As with most things in life if you get a few things right, and of course don’t do some things, that will get you a long way, the same applies to Spark.

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Photo by Josh Rakower on Unsplash

So, you’ve heard about dbt have you. I honestly can’t decide if it’s here to stay or not, probably is, enough folks are using it, and preaching about it. I personally have always been a little skeptical of dbt, not because it can’t do what it says it can do, it can, but because I’m old and bitter from my many years of Data Engineering, and I always see the problems in things.

But, I will let you judge that for yourself. Today I want to give a brief overview of dbt, kick the tires, muse about its features, and most importantly, look at dbt from a Data Engineering perspective, ferret out the good, the bad, and the ugly. I will try my best to be nice but don’t count on it. Code is on GitHub.

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Photo by Tim Schmidbauer on Unsplash

Ever since playing with Great Expectations with Spark some time ago, I’ve been on the lookout for more Data Quality at-scale tools. The market still has a long way to go with these tools, not enough options, hard to use, and the typical Data Engineering travails. I came across soda-core recently, a self-proclaimed…

Data reliability testing for SQL- and Spark- accesssible data.

soda-core docs

Doing anything at scale, well … that’s usually the problem. Data Quality and Observability are topics were hear a lot about these days. The reality often doesn’t meet the expectations most of the time. Even Great Expectations, being awesome, can get complicated real quick-like. Let’s hope that soda-core pair with Spark can show us some real promise. Code available on GitHub.

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Photo by Benjamin Wedemeyer on Unsplash

I think it’s funny that DataFrames are so popular these days, I mean for good reason. They are a wonderful and intuitive way to work with and on datasets. Pandas … the nemesis of all Data Engineers and the lover of Data Scientists. Apache Spark is really the beast that brought DataFrames to the masses. Even those little buggers over at Apache Beam give you DataFrames.

Of course, when anything gets popular, you start getting little things that start to pick and peck at the heels. I would probably say that is what DataFusion with Rust seems to be. Seems more like a contender against Pandas rather than Spark to me. I guess if you’re just using Spark locally or on a single node, sure you could consider using DataFusion. Code available on GitHub.

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Photo by Saad Chaudhry on Unsplash

How many times in your life, that is but a mist, have you thought, “If I had only known that in the beginning?” I feel as if I’ve committed that cardinal sin as a developer and Data Engineer … falling in love with a tool to the exclusion of all else. I mean truly, Databricks has brought Big Data to the masses, all you need is your laptop and 10 minutes of PySpark training before your spending gobs of money, processing massive amounts of data. Where else, and with what else can you do such things? Try it with EMR, good luck to you.

That being said, when you love something you start to notice the slight imperfections and problems with that something. You get kinda nit-picky. Such is life. I want to save some poor soul out there some heartache, that moment when you’ve been writing code for hours or days, and come upon a little surprise that makes your heart drop into your shoes, and the blood runs to your face. Here are 10 things I wish I knew about Databricks before I started. Maybe it will save you time, help you, who knows.

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Photo by Joel Holland on Unsplash

I think Delta Lake is here to stay. With the recent news that Databricks is open-sourcing the full feature-set of Delta Lake, instead of keeping the best stuff for themselves, it probably has the most potential to be the number one go-to for the future of Data Lakes, especially within those organizations that are heavy Spark users.

One of the best parts about Delta Lake is that it’s easy to use, yet it has a rich feature set, making it a powerful option for Big Data storage and modeling. One of those features that promise a lot of performance benefits is something called ZORDER. Today I want to explore more in-depth what ZORDER is, when to use it, when not to use it, and most importantly test its performance during a number of common Spark operations.

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Photo by Joshua Sortino on Unsplash

It still seems like the wild west of Data Quality these days. Tools like Apache Deque are just too much for most folks, and Data Quality is still new enough to the scene as a serious thought topic that most tools haven’t matured that much, and companies dropping money on some tool is still a little suspect. I’ve probably heard more about Great Expectations as a DQ tool than most.

With the popularity of PySpark as a Big Data tool, and Great Expectations coming into its own, I’ve been meaning to dive into what it would actually look like to to use Great Expectations at scale and answer some simple questions. How easy is it to get up and running with Spark, what’s the path of least resistance to getting some basic Data Quality checks in place in a data pipeline.

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As the years drag by in Data Engineering, there are a few things that I have come to appreciate more and more. One of those topics that is close to number one on the list is complexity reduction. Today’s modern data stacks are filled to the brim with technologies and tools, full to the brim, and overflowing. So many tools with such wonderful features, sometimes all the magic comes with a downside. Complexity. Complexity can turn something wonderful into a nightmare.

Reducing (not avoiding) complexity seems to be one of the main tenets I work on these days when designing resilient, reliable, and repeatable data pipelines that can process terabytes of data. One of those tools is COPY INTO feature of Databricks + Delta Lake.

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