Yeah, data engineering seems to be a hot topic today, as much as data science is/was 3 years ago. What does a data engineer do, what skills do you need? Peruse the job postings it will quickly become overwhelming. Spark, Hadoop, SQL, Python, Scala, ETL, Data Warehousing, various Data Sciencey Things, Streaming, Analytics, Business Intelligence, Machine Learning, blah blah blah. What are the top skills need to be a successful Data Engineer? What does the average day look like for a Data Engineer? Here is my two cents, it’s probably worth what you paid to read this.

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So after watching way too many end of the world movies on Netflix I decided the best way to prepare for the Zombie Apocalypse would be to give myself a way to know when the dead are about to crash through my living room window (while I’m eating popcorn watching zombies on on Netflix of course). This is one reason I love Python, I knew I would barely have to write any code to do this. I figured if I could scrape the popular news sites and do some simple sentiment analysis, get the government threat levels, some weather alerts etc, jam all this data together I would get a perfect Dooms Day clock to tell me how close we are to the end of the world on any given day. So lets begin. All the code is on GitHub. Here is visual of what I wanted.

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I’ve been wanting to follow up on a post I did recently that was a quick intro to Apache Parquet, specifically when, where , and why to use it, maybe test some of its features, and what makes it a great alternative for flatfiles and csv files.

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You can’t go anywhere or read anything today in the IT world without running into Machine Learning, it’s the hot new thing. All the cool kids are doing it, so I thought I would give it a try too. A little Python, a little Sklearn, a little SparkML, and lots of reading later…. behold my not so wonderus KMeans Unsupervised Machine Learning …… thing.

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I’ve been wanting to get more hands on experience with Apache Hadoop for a years. It’s one thing to read about something and say yeah… I get it, but trying to implement it yourself from scratch just requires a whole different level of understanding. There seems to be something about trying to solve a problem that helps a person understand the technology a little better.

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There sure has been a lot of kerfuffle around Spark lately. Spark this Spark that, Spark is the best thing ever, and so on and so forth. I recently had some small exposure to PySpark when working on a Glue project, at the time a lot of the functions reminded me of Pandas and I’ve been trying to find time to explore Spark a little more.

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Update: Check out my new Parquet post.
Recently while delving and burying myself alive in AWS Glue and PySpark, I ran across a new to me file format. Apache Parquet.

It promised to be the unicorn of data formats. I’ve not been disappointed yet.

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I work with Python and data a lot, specifically different RDBMS’s with structured data. Anyone who does this type of work will probably have run across pyodbc, a Python package that allows ODBC access into different
database platforms.

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One of the biggest hurdles I’ve found when teaching myself any sort of SQL/Python/Data Wrangling skills is the problem of finding usable, real life data to work with. Data that I can actually attempt to answer questions with.

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Hmmm…. What to use… What to use? When I want to explore data quickly and with the least amount of pain, the first problem I face is where do I start. There are a million approaches and I’m usually thinking long-term, ease of maintenance, surrounding platform, etc etc.

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