There are things in life that are satisfying—like a clean DAG run, a freshly brewed cup of coffee, or finally deleting 400 lines of YAML. Then there are things that make you question your life choices. Enter: setting up Apache Polaris (incubating) as an Apache Iceberg REST catalog.

Let’s get one thing out of the way—I didn’t want to do this.

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I make it my duty in life to never have to open an Excel file (xlsx); I feel like if I do, then I made a critical error in my career trajectory. But, I recently had no choice but to open an Excel on a Mac (or try) to look at some sample data from a client.

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Context and Motivation

  • dbt (Data Build Tool): A popular open-source framework that organizes SQL transformations in a modular, version-controlled, and testable way.
  • Databricks: A platform that unifies data engineering and data science pipelines, typically with Spark (PySpark, Scala) or SparkSQL.

The post explores whether a Databricks environment—often used for Lakehouse architectures—benefits from dbt, especially if a team heavily uses SQL-based transformations.

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The blog post reviews an Apache Incubating project called Apache XTable, which aims to provide cross-format interoperability among Delta Lake, Apache Hudi, and Apache Iceberg. Below is a concise breakdown from some time I spend playing around this this new tool and some technical observations:

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Maybe I’m the only one who thinks about it, not sure. The Lake House has become the new Data Warehouse, yet when I ask this question “What makes a health Lake House?” no one is sure what the answer is, or you get different answers.

It seems like a pretty important question considering that Lake Houses have taken the data landscape by storm and now store the vast majority of our data. With all the vendors pumping out Lake House formats and platforms (think Delta Lake and Apache Iceberg), the main focus seems to be adding features and addressing internal data quality, aka the quality of the data stored in the Lake House itself.

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When it comes to building modern Lake House architecture, we often get stuck in the past, doing the same old things time after time. We are human; we are lemmings; it’s just the trap we fall into. Usually, that pit we fall into is called Spark. Now, don’t get me wrong; I love Spark. We couldn’t have what we have today in terms of Data Platforms if it wasn’t for Apache Spark.

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A Deep Dive into Databricks Labs’ DQX: The Data Quality Game Changer for PySpark DataFrames

Recently, a LinkedIn announcement caught my eye—and honestly, it had me on the edge of my seat. Databricks Labs has unveiled DQX, a Python-based Data Quality framework explicitly designed for PySpark DataFrames.

Finally, a Dedicated Data Quality Tool for PySpark

Data Quality has always been a cyclical topic in the data community. Despite its importance, it’s been hampered by a lack of simple, open-source tools. Yes, we have options like Soda Core and Great Expectations, but they can be cumbersome to integrate. Enter DQX.

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You know, for all the hoards of content, books, and videos produced in the “Data Space” over the last few years, famous or others, it seems I find there are volumes of information on the pieces and parts of working in Data. It could be Data Quality, Data Modeling, Data Pipelines, Data Storage, Compute, and the list goes on. I found this to be a problem as I was growing in my “Data” career over the decades.

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We have all come to live in the Modern Data Stack, and whether we like it or not, our lives are no longer as simple as they were in the days of SQL Server and SSIS. Things have changed A LOT. There are good and bad sides to that coin.  The Modern Data Stack has brought us amazing innovations and tools and made things possible that were simply unheard of before.

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Recently, I was working on a little learning around DuckDB and AWS Lambda, which included some work with S3. It had been some time since I had tried working with files in S3, and it was kinda clunky the last time I tried it, whether it was DuckDB’s fault or mine, I was unsure.

It seems that when you go to Google and read about CSV files in S3 and DuckDB, in the past, folks had to do some gyrations with either boto3 or httpfs to get the job done. This is very annoying and clunky.

So I had the chance to revisit S3 and DuckDB with good ole’ CSV files and it was a much nicer experience. First, of course, you must have AWS credentials on the system somewhere, either in .aws or the ENV.

Something like this will do.

Next, you should instruct DuckDB to setup the AWS secrets, going through the normal rotation looking for credentials in the defaults spots as mentioned above.

Once this is done, querying a CSV file in S3 is as simple as it should be.

It’s nice to see DuckDB has first class support for querying files in S3, since cloud storage has become such a regular part of our lives. Any tool worth it’s weight in salt needs to have this sort of blind, easy to use file access that looks no different from operations on local files.

No more boto3 to load files into memory, etc, etc, that stuff needs to be abstracted away.