Photo by Michael Carruth on Unsplash
Anyone who’s been working in Data Land for any time at all, knows that the reality of life very rarely matches the glut of shiny snake oil we get sold on a daily basis. That’s just part of life. Every new tool, every single thingy-ma-bob we think is going to solve all our problems and send us happily into the state of nirvana inside our eternal data pipelines, is a lesson in disappointment.
I get it, there are a lot of nice tools out there. I use some of them every day. But, a healthy dose of reality is good for us all. Don’t lie to yourself. There is no such thing as the perfect tool. There are good tools, bad tools, and tools in between. The Truth is that all tools get pushed to their limits at some point.
We work on small teams, we don’t have all the time in the world, and we have to deliver our data at some point, perfect or not. We cut corners, hopefully, the right ones. That’s part of being wise and putting years of data experience to work. Today I’m going to talk about my experience of running Databricks + Delta Lake at scale. What happens when you use Databricks to ingest and deal with 10’s of millions of records a day, billions+ records a month?