Data engineering is a vital field within the realm of data science that focuses on the practical aspects of collecting, storing, and processing large amounts of data. It involves designing and building the infrastructure to store and process data, as well as developing the tools and systems to extract valuable insights and knowledge from that data. 02:30:432023-01-02 22:23:59I asked ChatGPT to write a blog post about Data Engineering. Here it is.
We’ve all been in that spot, especially in tech. You wanted to fit in, be cool, and look smart, so you didn’t ask any questions. And now it’s too late. You’re stuck. Now you simply can’t ask … you’re too afraid. I get it. Apache Arrow is probably one of those things. It keeps popping up here and there and everywhere.
“Back then it seems like no one used Arrow much, no one was writing about it, using it, or talking about it. At least not that I saw. But oh how times have changed. Arrow seems to be showing up everywhere and is starting to become a backbone for many other tools.” 14:12:562022-12-27 14:23:25What is Apache Arrow? Asking for a friend.
There once was a day when no one used DataFrames that much. Back before Spark had really gone mainstream, Data Scientists were still plinking around with Pandas a lot. My My, what would your mother say? How things have changed. Now everyone wants a piece of the DataFrame pie. I mean it tastes so good, doesn’t it?
Would anyone like a nice big slice of groupBy, maybe agg is what you need? No? Can you say distributed data set? Whatever it is you’re looking for, I’m quite sure a nice old DataFrame can give it to you. With so many options to choose from … what do you choose? I don’t know, whatever works best for you. But, it does set the stage nicely for a clash of the titans per see.
Let’s do this just that. Straight out of the box performance test. Bunch of CSV’s, a little aggregation, just some simple stuff. Mirror mirror on the wall, who is the fastest with DataFrames of them all? 16:46:122022-12-12 21:15:18Dataframe Showdown – Polars vs Spark vs Pandas vs DataFusion. Guess who wins?
I’ve often wondered what purgatory would be like, doing penance for millennia into eternity. It would probably be doing data migrations. I suppose they are not all that dissimilar from normal software migrations, but there are a few things that make data migrations a little more horrible and soul-sucking. Data migrations are able to slow teams down to a crawl, take at least twice as long as planned, and be way more difficult than imagined.
Can’t it be made easy, shouldn’t Data Migrations have been conquered by now? I mean just put together the perfect plan, break up the work, make a bunch of tickets, estimate the work, and the rest falls into place? If only.
Nothing captures the imagination and heart like a tale of betrayal and heartbreak, and that is a tale I want to bring to you today. It’s a tale of Databricks Workflows and Jobs, version changes, new features, API’s, and insidious little hidden gems that will make you pull your hair out when you find them. It’s a tale of what not to do, a tale of how to put developer and customer experience first, instead of forcing unwanted solutions down the throats of the little birdies feeding at your nest.
As a Data Engineering simplicity and ease of use is something close to my heart, something that Databricks did well, or maybe I should say used to do well … before recent releases like Jobs 2.1 API. I hope you can hear the bitterness oozing from my words. 15:48:102022-12-01 15:48:40A Tale of Betrayal and Heartbreak – Databricks Workflows and Jobs.