The intersection of Big Data and Not Big Data.
An interesting topic of late that has been rattling around in my overcrowded head is the idea of Big Data vs Not Big Data, and the intersection thereof. I’ve been thinking about SAAS vendors, the Modern Data Stack, costs, and innovation. A great real-life example of all these topics is Delta Lake. Delta Lake is the child of Databricks, officially or not, and at a minimum has exploded in usage because of the increasing usage of Databricks and the popularity of Data Lakes.
Delta Lake, Hudi, Iceberg, all these ACID/CRUD abstractions on top of storage for Big Data have been game changers. But, as with any new popular tech, it comes with its own set of challenges. Specifically for Delta Lake … if you want to use it 99.9% of people are going to have to use Spark
to do so, which can be costly, in terms of running clusters, and add complexity, in terms of new tooling, data pipelines, and the like. Anytime you only have one path to take with a tool, innovation is stifled, and barriers arise. Enter delta-rs
the Standalone Rust API for Delta.