There are a few things in life I both love and hate. Let’s see …. hot weather, cold weather, working for a living, and …. LeetCode. I mean it is totally fun to push yourself and try to solve hard problems, but then the other side of me is like … well I’ve been writing code for years and 80% of this stuff is nothing like writing code in real life. I think the LeetCode platform itself is an amazing tool, and has provided both people and companies with an elegant way to showcase and practice skills. But is there too much of a good thing? Of course.

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I saw a recent post on r/datengineering, a question centered around why Databricks is so popular when tools like EMR have been floating around for so long. It got me thinking about it. It really isn’t all about the technical side and offerings, although that does play a large role. There are always proponents for every technology, old or new … like our favorite band or sports team, fight to the death for what we love and cherish. I want to talk theoretically, and technically about Databricks and EMR, and why you should use Databricks. 🙂

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Sometimes I amaze myself. I’ve been using PySpark for a few years now, happily crunching hundreds of TBs of data without much problem. Sure you randomly run into OOM errors and other such nonsense. Usually inspecting the code for something silly, throwing in a persist() or cache() here and there will solve 99% of the problems. I’ve always approached Spark performance with an overly pragmatic approach. Spark being the beast that it is, it’s easy to hide performance problems with more resources etc. I’ve generally tried to stay away from UDF's just using good coding practices and out of the box functionality. Ensuring good predicate pushdown’s, data partitioning etc are all helpful and important. But in the end… I don’t really know much about the out-of-the-box Spark configurations and how they affect performance.

Do the configurations change based on data size and partitioning strategy plus resources and cluster size? Probably. Does that seem complicated to figure out? Yes. Is the internet full of conflicting, vague and confusing advice? Of course.

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There are many a day when I find myself scrolling through the subreddit for r/dataengineerg, it’s a fun place to stalk. Lot’s of people with lots of opinions make for interesting times. I see one question or a variation of it come up over and over again. How do I learn data engineering skills, how do I get into data engineering, what kind of problems do data engineers solve, blah, blah, blah? It’s a great question, and one without an easy answer. Well … there is an answer but it takes some time and willpower to get it done. Open source data. This is the way. Read books, take classes, do whatever, it’s hard to really learn the skills needed day-to-day as a data engineer without actually doing the work. But how do you do the work without the work? Make up your own work I say.

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